Sunday, 29 November 2009

Famous "Streathamites"

Streatham has had a few famous people living within its borders, one of which paid a surprise visit to St. Leonard's recently - Samuel Johnson.

While Samuel Johnson, the author of the Dictionary of the English Language, didn’t have his own residency in Streatham he was a frequent visitor at Henry and Hester Thrale’s country house Streatham Park. Being their cherished friend he had his own apartment at his disposal and was part of the Thrale’s intellectual circle.

As a devout Anglican Samuel Johnson regularly attended church at St Leonard’s during his Streatham years between 1765 and 1781, and legend has it that after his last visit he kissed the fountain to say good bye to his beloved Streatham. To commemorate Johnson's tercentanary and his long-standing relationship with St. Leonard's church there was a re-enactment of this last visit to the church, which I had the pleasure to document.
Have a look at Samuel Johnson below!

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Symbol of remembrance

Due to a holiday and being tied up with other commitments I haven’t been photographing much on Streatham High Road for a few weeks. However, with Remembrance Sunday coming up I thought that it would be good to take some portraits of people wearing poppies as this symbol of remembrance very clearly marks a particular time in the year. To my surprise there weren’t very many people at all wearing this symbolic flower on Wednesday last week, and for the first time during this project I went home with not a single portrait!

Don’t despair I thought to myself and was back at my regular portrait spot on Remembrance Sunday. This time there were at least a few more poppy wearing people out and about but for the first half hour every single one I asked declined to have their portrait taken. So, when I eventually found a person who was happy with me taking their picture I was very relieved and thankful! It is funny but often it is this first person who changes the whole dynamic- suddenly other people agree on having their picture taken as well. This time the same happened, and in the end I had several wonderful portraits of people in Streatham wearing the poppy to remember the sacrifices made by so many in times of war.

Lastly, today I also would like to say a big THANK YOU to everybody who has participated in my project - without you it would not be possible!




Dot & Pat


Jonathan & Vicky